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Marienberg Devices Four Voice Poly MIDI Converter

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Marienberg Devices
Доступность:на заказ
50594 Р
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Four-Voice MIDI ConverterWith the Marienberg Devices MIDI converter module, MIDI signals from keyboards or sequencers can be converted into analogue control voltages and gate signals. The four channels can be configured as independent monophonic channels or as a four-voice system.
  • 4-Channel "MIDI to analog converter"
  • Modes for "4x1-voice monophonic" or "1 x4-voice polyphonic"
  • Each channel has outputs for pitch, velocity, gate and trigger
  • Voltage range per output: 0 to 10 V
  • Voltage range per gate output: 0 to 5 V
  • Power consumption: 120 mA
  • Connections: 6.3 mm mono jack
  • Dimensions: 222.25 x 101.6 x 38 mm
  • Weight: 380 g

Can only be operated with a Marienberg Devices power supply unit!

Further Information
Width 10,16 cm

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